Sunday, 10 July 2011

Photography Project

Due to the fact that I had limited time to complete the costume in Phase 2, I was unable to get any good photographs of the costume in a finished setting, while I was dressed as the character in question. So one Sunday afternoon, myself, and a friend, Eleanor Conlon, visited Wakehurst Place, Ardingly, Sussex. I live very near to the location in question and felt it would be most suitable to take photographs of myself as Samuel Daniel there. For starters the house and the original grounds were built in the late 1500s, which is the period in which Samuel Daniel is from. Obviously, this manor house would not belong to an actor of such standing as himself, but it would nonetheless be a place where he would likely visit, whether with the rest of his troupe to try and persuade the owner to become a patron, or simply to present a production to the owner and his fellow peers. This would certainly have been the sort of thing to occur at the house, and although, sadly, were not given permission to take photographs inside the building, the exterior seemed wonderful and suitable enough for the minor project as it was.

When having photographs taken of my cosplays, I like to have the settings fit the character, I don't like contrast when it comes to characters rather than fashion soots. I believe it makes the character all the more believable and real to almost create a live-action world around them that fits and relates to the character. If they have a believable and fitting world for them to exist in, then it makes them seem more like they exist in and of themselves. I also like to come up with a basic story or reasoning behind as to why a character might be making such a pose, or behaving in such a way in a particular location. Again, I believe points like this add to the believability of the character themselves.

Samuel Daniel is visiting the home of patron and playwright Francis Beaumont

As per request, the King's Men troupe have been asked to perform for the evening. Daniel is tuning his mandolin before rehearsal
Daniel during rehearsal, serenading as part of his role.

Due to the summer heat, the troupe departed for the gardens to relax in the shade. Daniel discarded his sleeves due to the fact he was far too hot.

Due to his now 'rogue-ish' appearance (his lack of sleeves and points) , Daniel tries his luck at woo-ing some of the ladies attending.

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