Thursday 7 April 2011

The Globe Costume Archive: The Original Practices

The Original Practices are a collection of costumes that The Globe theatre has in their archives. They are from a season of plays performed in the style of the original performances in Jacobean England. This meaning costumes were styled to be what the Jacobean's wore, or interpreted at the time, made in traditional ways and all worn by men, including the female roles.

I chose to have a look at both male and female characters, as I wanted to get a good overview of the types of costumes and differences that could have been worn. It must be stated that costumes at this time were often donated by those of wealth, and so costumes would often tend to be more lavish than what the ordinary people and actors might have worn at the time.

Edward II by Marlowe. Character: 'Edward II'

Kingly Robe. Made of Black Velvet with Polylinen Lining.

Pewter buttons and trimmed in rabbit fur.

Doublet and Hose made of silk. The doublet is a 'peasecod belly' - an early style of the doublet.

Wooden buttons wrapped in silk thread.

Sleeves are detachable - as was the style in the period.
Everything has eyelits so things could be tied together with 'points'.

Points attached to doublet and hose to keep everything held together, but allowed for easy removal.
Leather glove, embroidered with exotic plants and animals and trimmed with metallic lace.

Suede shoes with star decorative holes.
Half-circle velvet cloak.

With Orange & Pink silk lining.

Linen shirt with handmade lace-cuffs.

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